Turning Technologies Triton Proctor Application User Manual
Page 6
Triton Data Collection System
How to login to the application...
Plug in the Proctor Receiver.
Proctor Receiver
Open the application.
On a PC: Open My Computer and navigate to the Removable Disk. Open the Removable Disk and double-click
On a Mac: Open Devices and navigate to the Removable Disk and double-click TritonLauncher.
The login window is displayed.
Triton Login Window
Web: The web status can be Offline or Online. Offline indicates that the Triton Proctor Application is unable to locate
an internet connection.
Triton: The Triton status can be Offline or Online.
The Triton status must be Online to download the exam files and send the results to Triton Web.
If the exam file has been downloaded beforehand it is not necessary to be Online for testing.
If the status is Offline but a Web connection is present, your network may be restricting access to Turning
Technologies’ servers. Contact your network or IT administrator.
Enter the Email and Password.
Verify the correct channel number is displayed.
Click Login.
A list of Ready Schedules is displayed.
To change the channel number, click the drop-down menu and select the
desired channel. ResponseCards need to be on the same channel as the
Proctor receiver.