Turning Technologies Triton Proctor Application User Manual

Page 18

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Triton Data Collection System


Blueprint Bundle

If more than one Answer Document is associated with the Blueprint, a set of rules determines how multiple answer
documents are administered.

Associated Files

Files that were attached to the Schedule are listed under Associated Files.

Answer Documents

The Answer Document section displays information regarding the Answer Documents associated with the Blueprint. An

Answer Document determines what type of exam is being administered (Test or Evaluation), the reporting and timer

options and number of versions.

Test - A test contains correct answers.

Evaluation - An evaluation does not contain correct answers or points.

Add Participant

The Add Participant section determines whether or not a Participant may be added to the Schedule.

Enforce Bundle

Yes, requires the Answer Documents to be administered in a single session.

No, Answer Documents may be administered in different sessions.

Enforce Order

Yes, the order in which the Answer Document appears will be the order the exams must
be in for administration.

No, the Proctor may change the order of the Answer Documents.

Self Paced

Yes, allows the Participants to finish the first Answer Document and move onto the
second without waiting for all Participants to finish.

No, Participants must wait for the Proctor to start each Answer Document.

Single Login

Yes, Name, ID and exam verification will be necessary.

No, Participants must enter their ID log in for each Answer Document.


Yes, Participants not included in the associated Participant List may be added by the
Proctor prior to starting the exam.

No, Participants that are not in the associated Participant List are unable to login to the

Allowed Post Start

Yes, Participants may be added by the Proctor AFTER the exam has started.

No, Participants may not be added after the exam has started.