Tiptop Trigger Riot User Manual
Page 20

Activating SyncBus is very simple. Once all SyncBus cables are connected,
press and hold the start/stop button until the Clock Sources appear. Use
the master knob to set it to (’SYNC’). Do that on all Trigger Riots that are
connected on the bus.
At this point all the Trigger Riots connected are waiting for one to take command,
that is the Boss. The Boss sends information on the SyncBus setting up the
BPM, preset to be played and resets. Any Trigger Riot can take control and become
the new Boss at any giving time, even while playing, by holding the BOSS button
until ‘BOSS’ displayed on the screen. The new Slaves with show ‘SYNC’.
This feature allows you to control all sequencers at once from one, and at any
giving time switch to control all sequencers from another. As multiple Trigger Riots
might be placed in different parts of your system this gives much freedom to keep
moving around.
Press the Reset/Clear button once to send a reset to all connected Riots. This
syncs their internal counters.
Changing a Preset on the Boss will switch all slaves to the same Preset. Preset
change is not available on the slaves.