Connecting the as-eq1 to your audio system, Sv sound, llc, Fig. 7 – SVS AS EQ1 User Manual

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AS-EQ1 Operator Manual

© 2009 SV Sound, LLC

6420 Belmont Avenue, Girard, OHIO


SV Sound, LLC

The AS-EQ1 is designed to connect between your AVR or “Pre/Pro” (Pre-amp/Processor) and your subwoofer(s)

so that after calibration, the AS-EQ1 can apply the necessary corrections to “flatten” the response of bass

in your listening environment.

As shown below, the AS-EQ1 has two subwoofer Inputs labeled A and B and two subwoofer Outputs labeled

A and B on the back panel. You’ll also notice an Output connector marked Sat Center/Left we’ll reference later

in the calibration process.

The AS-EQ1 handles three different subwoofer configurations: (see Fig. 7 above and Fig. 8 on the next page)

1. A single subwoofer. If you have one subwoofer in your system (or co-located subs and you want to equalize

them as a single subwoofer), attach the subwoofer pre-out from your AVR or Pre/Pro to the Sub A input.

Take the cable formerly run from your AVR or Pre/Pro to your subwoofer and connect to the AS-EQ1 Sub A Output.

2. Two subs driven from one output. This is the most common configuration when running multiple subs.

You may have taken the subwoofer pre-out from your AVR or Pre/Pro and run it through a “Y” connector

to split the signal in two; one for each of your subwoofers. In this case, remove the Y splitter and

attach the subwoofer pre-out to the Sub A input on the AS-EQ1. Connect one of your subs to the

Sub A output and the other to the Sub B output on your AS-EQ1.

3. Two subwoofers driven from two outputs. If you use discrete subwoofer or LFE outputs on your AVR or

Pre/Pro (or have two different systems with a subwoofer in each) and want the signals to be treated

individually, attach one of the outputs to the Sub A Input and the other output to the Sub B Input on the

ASEQ1. Take the cables from the subwoofers that were formerly attached to theAVR or Pre/Pro and

connect them to the Sub A and Sub B Outputs on the ASEQ1.

Connecting the AS-EQ1 to Your Audio System


FIG. 7