Star Headlight & Lantern 7400 Star Lase User Manual
Page 16

If you are using the TD77-2 controller, you may reference the picture below.
TD77-2 Connections
External Traffic Director Controller
If you will be using an external controller (such as the TD77-2) to operate your traffic
director, use all of the wires in the harness and connect them as described in the manual
shipped with your controller.
Be sure that you have set your jumpers correctly, as described on page 10.
Follow the instructions included with your controller for any possible jumper settings,
programming options, and operational information.
If your lightbar came with the internal traffic director controller you can
skip this section. The instructions below only apply if you will be
using the TD77-2 external Traffic Director Controller.
If you are using an alternate ground-side switched controller of some sort, refer to
the diagram above for proper connection of the 8 wires that control each head in
the traffic director. They are in the same order as the lightstick, with the gray wire
illuminating the furthest left light (driver’s side).