Sonnox Oxford Restore User Manual
Page 6

Clicking in the Events Graph will remove any popup graphs such as the Excitation Profiles to
expand your view of the Events.
The Exclude Box
The Events Graph allows an important new feature to be implemented. The idea of the exclude
box is to stop over-corrections. For example, you may be happy with a piece of music and the
associated repairs, except for a section with brass instruments - at which point too many high
energy events are detected and corrected. Likewise, with dialogue you sometimes find that the
need for repairs diminishes as the dialogue becomes louder, because the dialogue masks the
clicks. Threshold and Sensitivity settings that work for the background noise of the dialogue
may be too sensitive when the dialogue is active and loud. The graphic representation of the
detected events makes this visually very obvious, and can be further demonstrated by listening to
the diff signal.
One way to remedy these situations is to
use an Exclude Box. Simply click the
pointer in the event graph area to create a
box and drag it to where it needs to be to
exclude the repairs that were undesirable.
Every event that occurs inside the box
will not be repaired and is displayed in
red. You can drag the whole box or use
the drag handles (left, right, top, bottom)
to re-position or re-size the box
The diagram shows the tell-tale signature
of a loud brass section of music. If these
events were to be “repaired” by the
declicker, the section would lose all brightness and authenticity. Using the exclude box the
events can be marked for exclusion from the repair processing.
There are two further controls for the Exclude Box; one to enable or disable the feature (Exclude
Box Enable), and one to show or hide the box (Exclude Box Show). Both of these controls
leave the box position unchanged. These controls are automatable, as are the drag handles. Only
one exclude box can be active at a time.