The oxford denoiser – Sonnox Oxford Restore User Manual

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The Oxford DeNoiser


Basic Operation

The Oxford DeNoiser removes wide-band noise from audio material using a variety of
sophisticated techniques. The key to good de-noising lies in helping the user produce pleasing
and accurate results, rather than encouraging over-aggressive use of the controls.

The Oxford DeNoiser is based around the concept of a “noise profile”. White noise, for example,
is flat all the way up the frequency spectrum. Pink or red/brown noise is louder at LF than HF.
An audio track with white noise embedded into it would need a noise profile that is flat,
generally speaking, whereas an audio track with brown noise embedded into it would need a
noise profile that is higher at the LF end.

The noise profile is used to gate-out components of the frequency spectrum that are below it, and
keep the components that are above it. The overall level of the noise profile relative to the input
signal is adjusted by the Thresh control to determine what is gated out. Therefore, to achieve
good results, a suitable setting for the Thresh control needs to be found that pitches the threshold