Sonnox Oxford Restore User Manual
Page 32

“Reset Biases” – When a bias handle is moved this button lights half-bright to indicate that the
bias curve is non-null. A single press nulls the bias control handles for the currently active and
visible bias curve; using shift-click will reset the bias handles for both the LF and HF sections of
the currently active bias curve. A small red or yellow dot indicates that the non-selected bias
curve is non-null.
“Log /Lin Select” – Switches the display between logarithmic (LF) and linear (HF) modes.
Sonnox Menu Button
“Clip Lights” – Can be set to hold for 2 seconds, 5 seconds, or indefinitely.
“Show Preset Name Path” – Can show or hide the preset name path in the Preset Manager.
“Default to Log / Lin X-Axis” – Sets the default X-Axis display grid.
“Knob Mode” – Can be set to circular, relative circular, linear or follow host.
“About” – Displays the date, version and build number of the plug-in.