The oxford declicker – Sonnox Oxford Restore User Manual
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The Oxford DeClicker
Basic Operation
The Oxford DeClicker has three main sections: DePop, DeClick and DeCrackle. These three
sections deal with events that are up to 10ms, 3ms and 0.4ms in duration, respectively.
Each of the three sections calculates an Excitation Profile for a given block of samples. The
excitation profile is the residual signal left after harmonic components have been removed, and is
a representation of how much the actual signal is deviating from the predicted signal. A big
excitation usually represents a big unexpected event such as a click.
Each section provides a Threshold control. This control is used to adjust a threshold level within
the excitation profile to capture an event. If a peak on the excitation profile is below the
threshold, it will not be registered as an event to be repaired. If a peak breaches the threshold
line, then it is registered as a detected event and can be repaired. When you touch the Threshold
control, by default the excitation profile is displayed visually on the graph. Usually there is a
background level of “noise” at the bottom with the occasional peak lifting above the background.