Rocktron Taboo Twin User Manual
User's manual

T U B E - D R I V E N P R O G R A M M A B L E 2 4 - B I T D S P G U I T A R A M P L I F I E R
User's Manual
May be covered by one or more of the following: U.S. Patents #4538297, 4647876, 4696044, 4745309, 4881047, 4893099, 5124657,
5263091, 5268527, 5319713, 5333201, 5402498, 5493617 and 5638452. Other patents pending. Foreign patents pending.
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Quick Setup
- 3. Front Panel
- 4. Rear Panel
- 5. Connections
- Connecting a guitar to the Taboo Twin
- Using the Taboo Twin's Direct Outputs with a mixing console
- Using the Effects Loop
- Using the Taboo Twin with a powered cabinet for wide stereo separation
- Using the Taboo Twin with a powered cabinet in a stacked configuration
- 6. General Operating Format
- Taboo Twin Presets
- Changing the Preset Sounds
- Menu and Instant Access Editing Modes
- Taboo Twin Functions and Parameter Descriptions
- GLOBAL Function
- MIXER Function
- HIGH GAIN Function
- LOW GAIN Function
- HUSH® Function
- PRE EQ (EXPERT) Function
- POST EQ (EXPERT) Function
- WAH-WAH Function
- PHASER Function
- FLANGER Function
- TREMOLO Function
- PITCH SHIFT Function
- CHORUS Function
- DELAY Function
- REVERB Function
- 7. Operating the Taboo Twin
- Selecting a preset
- Changing preset parameters not provided by Instant Access controls
- Storing changed preset parameters
- Editing a preset title
- Controller Assignments
- Tap Delay
- Program Changes
- MIDI Channels
- MIDI Dump/Load
- Factory Restore
- Restoring a single factory preset:
- Restoring a single factory preset:
- Restoring the Taboo Twin controller assignments:
- Using the Taboo Twin with a Rocktron All Access® in REMOTE mode
- 9. Appendix