Dacor OB52 User Manual

Installation instructions epicure, Outdoor grill

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Installation Instructions



Outdoor Grill


OB36, OBS36, OB52,

OBS52, OBSB162

Part No. 102032 Rev. F

TesTed in accordance wiTh The laTesT ediTion of

ANSI Z21.58 2006 ● cSA 1.6-2006 StANdArd for outdoor

cookINg gAS ApplIANceS. IN cANAdA: INStAllAtIoNS MuSt

Be IN AccordANce WItH tHe curreNt cAN/cg A-B149.1.

NAturAl gAS INStAllAtIoN code cAN/cg A-B149.2. propANe

INStAllAtIoN code ANd/or locAl code.