Flying tips and repairs (continued) – ParkZone PKZ6680 User Manual

Page 13

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Thermal Flying
Your sailplane can ascend on thermals and other updrafts to prolong its fl ight
far beyond the fl ight time one would expect.

A thermal is simply a column of rising warm air. Once you get your aircraft into
the air using the Hi-Start or aero-tow, watch your aircraft for a response to
thermals. In the same way, watch your aircraft for movement or rising. If the
airplane randomly rolls on its own, it is likely that you only fl ew through the
edge of the thermal, causing one side of the airplane to rise, rather than the
entire airplane.

Enter the thermal by turning your aircraft directly into it, circling to stay in the
center of the thermal. Slow your forward speed by increasing up elevator trim
so that your aircraft is moving just faster than stall (minimum sink speed).
Make easy banking turns to fi nd the area of highest lift (the thermal’s core).
When you fi nd the core of lift, tighten your turns to stay near this position.
Sometimes thermals drift downwind. It is best that you search for thermals
upwind, so that you can follow a thermal downwind if it is pushed downwind.
With practice, you will fi nd it easier to locate and anticipate the movement of

Although thermals cannot be seen, you can see dust, insects or birds riding an
updraft. Air movement of a thermal may be felt, so movement in an otherwise
calm spot may show you the location of a nearby thermal. A shift in the wind
(in a light breeze) can be airfl ow into a thermal. Thermals are generated by
the sun heating darker ground objects more than surrounding surfaces. The
dark object absorbs the sun’s heat, becoming warm and heating the air above
it. The heated air rises and forms a column or funnel. Usually the base of the
thermal is small. The updraft expands and decreases in speed as the air rises
and cools. There are usually downdrafts around the updraft, as cooler air falls
or moves less than the warm updraft.

Thermals can vary in strength, rising at speeds from a few hundred to over a
thousand feet per minute. Cooler downdrafts around a thermal are referred
to as “sink.” Your aircraft can be pulled down by these downdrafts. Prevailing
wind can aso bend or break a thermal from its heat source so that a warm air
bubble travels downwind as it rises with little or no attendant downdrafts.

Slope Soaring
Finding a hill with directly oncoming winds is critical for an enjoyable slope
soaring experience. The face of the hill needs to be fl at or concave like a giant
bowl to help concentrate lift. A convex hill (a hill with a protruding “bump”)
will distribute lift and is not suitable for slope soaring. The windward side of
the hill should not have trees, buildings, or other obstructions that can cause

Suitable slope soaring sites may be found surrounding valleys, in coastal areas
or along mountain ridges, or may just be a random hill facing a prevailing wind.
A small hill with an optimal shape and minimal wind will provide better lift than
a large hill with a poor shape and higher wind speeds. Learning how to read
the slope to understand where to expect lift and areas to avoid will lead to a
bird-like understanding of how the air fl ows over hillsides.

Winds for slope soaring are frequently seasonal and only fl yable when condi-
tions are favorable. How the hill channels the oncoming wind is critical to
slope soaring. Part of selecting a slope soaring location needs to account for
where you are going to land. A smooth grassy area on the top of the hill is
optimal, but even locations on the front side of the hill with less of a slope and
a smooth surface will suffi ce. Landing areas on the leeward side of the hill are
not suitable.

When slope soaring, launch into the wind from a location near the top of the
hill. Always turn into the wind to avoid loss of airspeed. Turning toward the hill
may result in a crash or loss of control. Slope lift can be found on the front side
of the hill. The backside of the hill has dangerous turbulence and will cause a
crash with most sailplanes. Flying on the backside of the hill is possible with
DS (dynamic soaring) gliders, but this type of fl ying requires expert knowledge
of slope soaring and specialized airframes. Do not attempt dynamic soaring
with this glider.

Landing approaches are typically done parallel to the hillside, allowing the pilot
to approach right between the lift zone and the backside to land the glider
without picking up airspeed.

Spoilers/Air Brakes

The Schempp-Hirth style of spoiler (air brake) on this aircraft gives you
increased drag without the additional lift of fl aps.

The spoilers (only on the upper surface of the wing) “spoil” or decrease lift for
sections of the wing and increase drag.

This allows you to descend at a steeper rate and land in smaller areas without
gaining airspeed and allows you to bleed off energy more quickly.

IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been designed so that deploying the spoilers
does not affect any other control surface. On your transmitter, no mixes are
required from the spoilers to other control surfaces.


Land into the wind. Due to the high lifting effi ciency of the sailplane design,
landing requires a large landing area clear of trees, buildings and cars. While
on your downwind leg, remember that the sailplane glides much better than
other aircraft.

You may need to setup for landing lower and with a more shallow decent than
you may be used to. As you are on approach for landing, ensure that the model
is descending slowly, but also not accelerating. If the model is accelerating, it
is likely that you will overshoot your projected landing area. Deploy the spoilers
during landing to help the sailplane decelerate faster.

Maintain this descent and speed, and, as the model nears the ground (ap-
proximately 6 inches (15 cm)), slowly apply a small amount of up elevator. The
model should level out and fl y parallel to the ground, decelerating further. Be
sure the model does not climb. As it decelerates, keep fl ying the model parallel
to the ground until it comes to rest gently on the landing gear.

Battery Power Management

Due to the aircraft having no motor and the small power needs of the sailplane,
you may not know you have a low battery until the controls fail. We recom-
mend setting a fl ight timer for 2 hours, if using a fully charged battery to
prevent over discharging your battery, and potentially losing control of your

Before and after each fl ight, ensure the voltage regulator LED light is solid. If
the LED is fl ashing or is not lit, immediately remove and recharge the battery.
Monitor your aircraft battery’s voltage before and after fl ying by using a Li-Po
Cell Voltage Checker (EFLA111, sold separately).

When a Li-Po battery is discharged below 3V per cell, it will not hold a charge.
Disconnect and remove the Li-Po battery from the aircraft after use to prevent
trickle discharge.

Charge your Li-Po battery to about half capacity before storage. During stor-
age, make sure the battery charge does not fall below 3V per cell. LVC does
not prevent the battery from over-discharge during storage.

NOTICE: Repeated discharging below 3V per cell will damage the battery.

IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to fl y or operate your sailplane any longer than 2
hours on a battery until you are able to consistently judge your fl ight time for
soaring conditions.

NOTICE: Crash damage is not covered under warranty.

NOTICE: When you are fi nished fl ying, never leave the aircraft in direct sunlight
or in a hot, enclosed area such as a car. Doing so can damage the foam.


Thanks to the Z-Foam

construction of this aircraft, repairs to the foam can

be made using virtually any adhesive (hot glue, regular CA, epoxy, etc). When
parts are not repairable, see the Replacement Parts List for ordering by item
number. For a listing of all replacement and optional parts, refer to the list at
the end of this manual.

NOTICE: Use of CA accelerant on your aircraft can damage paint. DO NOT
handle the aircraft until the accelerant fully dries.

Flying Tips and Repairs (continued)


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