LINK Systems System 2500 PLS User Manual
Page 9
System 2500 Operating & Installation Manual - Revision 07
Section 2
2.1 Using the Operator Interface Terminal
The OIT is the means by which the operator can control the operation of the System 2500. The
following features should be noted on the terminal:
A large LCD (liquid crystal display) for messages
Keyboard consisting of 32 keys
A four digit LED display (red characters in the upper right hand corner)
Mode Selector Keyswitch (lower right corner)
Six individual status indicators: E-STOP, TOP-STOP, D/P BYPASS, FAULT,
The operator should familiarize himself with these features since they will be referred to
frequently in the instructions following.
2.1.1 Keyboard Use
The leftmost portion of the keyboard is a set of numerical keys for entering data when
programming. The remaining keys are function keys which cause some action to occur when
pressed in the proper sequence. Some of the function keys are for general use and their functions
are always active. These are listed in the description following. The keyboard is illustrated on
the foldout in the back of this manual. This foldout should be referred to during the description
of keyboard use. ANGLE/RPM Key
The four digit red display is intended to continuously display crankshaft angle or speed. The
angle is being displayed if the ANGLE light above the four digit red display is lit. The speed in
revolutions per minute (rpm) is being displayed if the RPM light above the four digit red display
is lit. The operator may alternate between angle and rpm by pressing the ANGLE/RPM key.
NOTE: The four digit display is also used to display error codes. When an error code is
being displayed, the angle and speed cannot be viewed. The error must first be cleared
with the CLEAR key.