LINK Systems System 2500 PLS User Manual
Page 10
System 2500 Operating & Installation Manual - Revision 07
2-2 HELP Key
The operator may request a Help screen from the System 2500 PLS by pressing the HELP key.
The Help screens are intended to aid the operator by giving additional information and
explanation of the current stage of the program sequence. Some Help screens may be more than
two lines long. If the last character on the screen is a down arrow, more help information is
available. The operator may press the down arrow key to view the additional lines. The operator
may terminate a help screen and return to the program at any time by pressing the EXIT key. If
no help screen is available for the present program sequence, a message will inform the operator
that a help screen is not available. CLEAR Key
The CLEAR key is used for two main functions. The first function is to remove any data input in
progress. If the operator keys in the wrong data but has not yet pressed the ENTER key, he may
press the CLEAR key to remove the entire data input. The correct data may then be keyed in.
The CLEAR key cannot remove any data once it has been entered with the ENTER key.
The second function of the CLEAR key is to remove stops and faults. If a counter reaches its
programmed limit and stops the machine, the CLEAR key may be pressed to reset the counter
and allow the machine to be restarted. If a system fault occurs (such as a die protection fault),
once the cause of the fault has been corrected the error condition can be removed by pressing the
CLEAR key. BRIGHT and DIM Keys
The intensity of the 80 character liquid crystal display can be varied by using the BRIGHT or
DIM keys. Pressing the BRIGHT key will increase the intensity of the display. If additional
brightness is required, the bright key must be released and pressed again. The DIM key is used to
decrease the brightness of the display. MAIN MENU Key
If at any time during the programming procedure the MAIN MENU key is pressed (lower right
corner of keyboard) the Main Menu will be immediately displayed. This menu is the starting
point for all programming of the unit. (See Section 2.2 for more information on the menu
approach of the System 2500). NOTE: The MAIN MENU key will not cause the Main Menu to
display if there is a communication failure between the OIT and Logic Unit.
2.1.2 Mode Selector Keyswitch