LINK Systems System 2500 PLS User Manual
Page 50
System 2500 Operating & Installation Manual - Revision 07
the operator enter one of these output channel numbers to be used as the fault output. The
channel selected cannot have been previously restricted nor can it be tied to the counter. If the
unit is programmed for Automatic Single Stroke, channels 7 and 8 are reserved and cannot be
assigned as the cyclic fault output.
Once a channel is selected, the system will ask for the number of strokes to delay before
activation of this PLS output. This allows several strokes to take place before action is taken due
to the fault. For example, suppose the PLS output relay selected as fault output for Cyclic mode
is being used to power a solenoid for redirecting rejected parts down a chute to a container for
rejects. If the part exits the die on the third stroke after the cyclic fault occurs (as might be the
case in a progressive operation), the operator should enter '3' as the number of strokes to delay.
In this way, the PLS fault output will activate on the third stroke after the fault is detected and the
bad part will be steered to the correct bin as it exits the press. The System 2500 will allow the
operator to enter from one to eight for the number of delay strokes.
After the PLS channel number and number of delay strokes have been entered, the system will
ask for the crankshaft angle where the stroke delay counter will increment. In most cases this
should be set at zero degrees (top dead center). Then if a fault occurs on the special cyclic input,
each time the press cycles past zero degrees the special stroke counter will increment. Once the
special stroke counter reaches the programmed delay count, the assigned PLS channel will be
active until the crankshaft passes zero again. In the example above, once a cyclic fault was
detected the assigned PLS output would become active on the third time the machine passed zero
degrees after the fault occurred. However, in cases where the assigned PLS output must be on as
the crankshaft passes through zero, it may be advantageous to set the stroke increment angle to
some other value. Otherwise, the PLS output will become active in the middle of the 'on' portion
of the stroke for that output. In such cases it would be better to enter an angle so that the special
stroke counter will increment during a portion of the stroke where the assigned PLS output will
be off.
Once programming of the special PLS output for cyclic mode is complete, the operator must
program the on/off setpoints for that channel so that they perform the desired action. The special
assigned PLS output option is available for only one cyclic event per setup. Once a cyclic event
has been programmed to use a PLS output for faults, any other inputs programmed for Cyclic
mode will only allow E-Stop or Top Stop as their fault outputs.