LINK Systems System 2500 PLS User Manual
Page 46
System 2500 Operating & Installation Manual - Revision 07
To change the time, simply type in the new desired delay and press the ENTER key. The delay
time entered can be from 4 to 2000 milliseconds (ms) in 1 ms increments. The minimum delay
time entered here (in milliseconds) must be less than the maximum delay time entered in Section (in seconds) or an error will be generated. In other words, if 1 second is entered as the
maximum time in Section, the minimum time entered here must be less than 1000
milliseconds. 1ST STROKE TIME
As described in Section above, to begin the Auto Single Stroke sequence the operator
must first press the Auto Single Stroke Setup button and then must make the first stroke
manually within a specified amount of time. The time limit is programmed by the user and is
necessary so that the system cannot be armed for Auto Single Stroke operation and then left
armed indefinitely. The 1ST STROKE TIME selection from the Auto SS Menu allows the
operator to set the maximum time allowed after the setup button has been pressed before a
manual stroke must be initiated. If the operator presses the setup button but does not manually
begin a stroke, then when this time limit expires an error will be occur, Auto Single Stroke will
be unlatched, and E-Stop will be generated. This time should be set to a value long enough to
allow the operator to press the 'Auto Single Stroke Setup' button and then press the run palm
To change the time, simply type in the new desired delay and press the ENTER key. The delay
time entered can be from 1 to 30 seconds in 1 second increments. MAX DELAY TIME
Selection of this menu item from the Auto SS Menu allows the operator to set the maximum time
between strokes for automatic single stroke mode. During automatic operation, at the
completion of each press stroke all die protection input requirements must be satisfied for the
next stroke to be initiated automatically (feed must be in place, etc.) If the die protection inputs
are NOT satisfied, the system will wait for this programmed maximum amount of time to allow
these inputs to occur. If the time limit expires and the die protection inputs are still not satisfied,
an error will occur, Auto Single Stroke will be unlatched, and an E-Stop will be generated. This
timer should be set to as short a time as possible that still allows for normal variations in the time
between strokes.
To change the time, simply type in the new desired delay and press the ENTER key. The delay
time entered can be from 1 to 30 seconds in 1 second increments. The maximum delay time
entered here (in seconds) must be greater than the minimum delay time entered in Section
(in milliseconds) or an error will be generated. In other words, if 1 second is entered here as the
maximum time, the minimum time entered in Section must be less than 1000