LINK Systems System 2500 PLS User Manual

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System 2500 Operating & Installation Manual - Revision 07


channels. Editing Setpoints

To edit an on or off setpoint, the operator must first place the mode selector keyswitch in the
PROG mode. Then the setpoint to be modified must be selected with the right or left arrow keys.
When the setpoint to be modified is blinking, the operator may key in the new setpoint value. If
a mistake is made in keying in the data, the CLEAR key may be pressed to clear the data. Also,
to discontinue editing without making any changes, the EXIT key can be pressed which will
redisplay the original setpoint value. Once the new setpoint is keyed in as desired the ENTER
key must be pressed. The operator is then asked to confirm the change by pressing the YES key.
If the operator does not want to confirm the change, he may press any key other than the YES key
and the entire data entry sequence will be canceled.

If the operator desires to modify a setpoint that is not speed advanced so that it will be speed
advanced, he must move the cursor to that setpoint and press the ADVAN key. Only one
setpoint pair can be programmed on a channel if one of the setpoints is to be advanced (see
Section for information on Speed Advanced Outputs). A message will then be displayed
asking the operator to confirm that the setpoint should be changed to a speed advanced setpoint.
The YES key should be pressed to proceed with the change, or any other key to cancel the

If a channel is restricted its setpoints cannot be edited. An 'R' will appear in the display beside
the channel number when this is the case. See Section 2.5.5 for more information on restricting
channels. Timed Outputs

Channels 1 thru 8 can be programmed as timed outputs. A timed output will come on at the
angle of the on setpoint, and will turn off after the programmed dwell time. To add a timed
output, the operator must follow the steps of section, except the TIME key must be
pressed before entering the off setpoint. The dwell time must then be entered. Allowable dwell
times are from 2 to 2046 milliseconds (a millisecond is 1/1000 of a second). The System 2500
PLS will only store even number dwell times. If an odd dwell time is entered, it will be rounded
up to the next even number. A maximum of 5 timed outputs is allowed. Speed Advanced Outputs

On PLS channels 1 thru 8, either the on or off setpoint or both setpoints of a setpoint pair can be
speed advanced. If a setpoint is advanced, its value is decreased as the machine speed is
increased. This means that the setpoint will occur earlier in the cycle to compensate for the
increased speed. To speed advance an output the operator must first determine the setpoints