About this manual – Labconco FreeZone Benchtop Freezer User Manual
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Chapter 1: Introduction
through the dried portions of the product, which impedes their
progress. As the drying front moves further and further down the
matrix, the application of heat to the product becomes more
Shell freezing as a method of prefreezing the product can increase
the surface area-to-volume ratio by spreading out the frozen
product inside the vessel. Shell freezing is accomplished by
rotating the vessel in a low temperature bath causing the product to
freeze in a thin layer on the inside surface of the vessel. The
thickness of the frozen suspension depends on the volume of the
product in comparison to the size of the vessel. The diagram
below shows how a Shell Freezer operates.
About This Manual
This manual is designed to help you learn how to install, use, and
maintain your Benchtop Shell Freezer. Instructions for performing
routine maintenance and making minor modifications to your
Benchtop Shell Freezer are also included.
Chapter 1: Introduction provides a brief overview of the freeze dry
process, explains the organization of the manual, and defines the
typographical conventions used in the manual.
Chapter 2: Prerequisites explains what you need to do to prepare
your site before you install your Benchtop Shell Freezer.
Electrical requirements are discussed.