Labconco Snuffer Fire Extinguishers 1115004 User Manual

Labconco Accessories for air

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Labconco Instruction Sheet 1115700, Rev J, ECO C066 1 of 5

LABCONCO CORPORATION 8811 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132

(816) 333-8811, Fax (816) 363-0130, (800) 821-5525

Snuffer – Model 1115000, 1115002, 1115003, 1115004

Internal Hood Depths of

30", 36", & 48"

1. On hoods 4 Ft, 5 Ft and 6 Ft in width, locate the unit at the centerline of the hood per

Fig. 1. Hoods 8 Ft and greater require additional units and should be mounted equal
distance in the hood behind the light assembly shown in Fig. 1. NOTE: Protruding
discharge nozzle should have an unobstructed discharge at the desired protection zone
inside the fume hood.

2. Drill holes per detail “A” of Fig. 1.

Figure 1

3. Mount pedestal bracket with 1/4" stainless steel bolts enclosed. Extinguisher nozzle

should be centered over 1-3/4" diameter hole.

4. Attach extinguisher fusible link tip to unit by threading into gauge nozzle. NOTE:

Unit will not be operational until this tip is re-attached. Use care so as not to damage
link or screw threads.

5. Check extinguisher gauge for charge. Indicator should be in “Green” range.