Labconco 6-Port Manifold for FreeZone Stoppering Tray Dryers and Bulk Tray Dryers User Manual

Labconco Accessories for air

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Labconco Instruction Sheet 7759400, ECO B139

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LABCONCO CORPORATION 8811 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132

(800) 821-5525, (816) 333-8811, Fax (816) 363-0130

Model 7726500 - 6-Port Manifold for FreeZone® Stoppering Tray Dryers and
Bulk Tray Dryers


This accessory expands the versatility of a Freeze Dry System that is equipped with a Stoppering
or Bulk Tray Dryer by adding 6 sample valves which allow samples to be freeze dried in flasks
or other glassware. The Manifold is mounted between the Tray Dryer and the Freeze Dry
System and allows samples to be freeze dried within the Tray Dryer and on the Manifold
simultaneously or independently of the other.

Installation of Manifold

1. Remove the cover plate from the front center of the support stand by removing two


2. Loosen the two clamps in the rear that secure the hose connecting the Tray Dryer to the

Freeze Dry System. Remove the hose.


