Labconco Protector Controlled Atmosphere Glove Box User Manual
Page 37
Chapter 5: Using Your Glove Box
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• Perform evacuation and fill cycle on the transfer chamber using the
vacuum outlet and gas inlet valves. Depending on the vacuum level
achieved, it takes 1-5 cycles to reduce oxygen and moisture levels
below 1%. Porous materials being transferred may require longer
sustained vacuum purges to remove the oxygen and moisture trapped
in the materials.
• After transferring materials to the main glove box chamber, perform
the required evacuation and fill cycles (1-499) on the main chamber
using the vacuum outlet and gas inlet valves. Normally 75-100
evacuation and fill cycles will reduce moisture and oxygen levels
below 1% (see Appendix D). An additional 100 cycles will reduce
moisture and oxygen levels below 0.3% or 3,000 ppm. The use of the
accessory AtmosPure Re-Gen Gas Purifier can now be turned on.
The use of external glove port covers will expedite the evacuation
and fill cycle times and help maintain low moisture and oxygen
levels when the glove box is not in use.
• Maintaining a slight main chamber pressure difference of -1" to +1"
water gauge can help to preserve the glove box atmosphere. The
moisture/oxygen permeation is reduced at slight pressure differences.
• The AtmosPure Re-Gen Gas Purifier is required to further reduce
and maintain oxygen and moisture levels below 0.3%. The
AtmosPure Re-Gen Gas Purifier can maintain oxygen levels
below 1 ppm and moisture levels below 1 ppm.
• Monitoring moisture and oxygen levels inside the glove box is
recommended by using accessory monitors (see Chapter 7).
Work Techniques
• Segregate all clean and contaminated materials in the work area.
• Maintain work at a slightly negative pressure if working with
hazardous compounds.
• Continuously run the AtmosPure Re-Gen Gas Purifier to preserve the
inert atmosphere if so desired.
Transferring Materials to the Outside
• All open chemical weigh vessels or containers must be sealed before
removing materials from the glove box main chamber.
• Upon completion of work, the main glove box chamber must be
evacuated and filled approximately 5-10 times to remove airborne
contaminants from the work area. The exact number of cycles should
be determined by your Safety Officer.