Auto configure, Adding a transducer – Heath Consultants Heath Data Recorder (HDR) User Manual
Page 22

Auto Configure
(Allows saving and sending the Configuration, Calibration, Transducer Poly & site info)
1. To Save this file
a. Go to "Configure column/ Auto Configure/ & click: “Save Inst Config, Cal & Polys"
b. Click “Save” Or type a custom filename & click “Save”.
2. To send (restore) this file to the instrument:
a. Go to "Configure column/ Auto Configure/ “Send Config, Cal & Polys to Inst"
b. Select the configuration file: Example: "325012345.cfg"
c. Choose what to restore from the list (1,2 & 3 Calibration, 1,2 & 3 Poly, Temp probe 1&2 Calibration,
Battery voltage & Lithium calibration, Site info, User Friendly Names/ Equipped Flags, Alarm
Configuration, Profiler Configuration & General Configuration). Or click the “Select All” button.
d. Then go to "Display 1" and make sure this unit is configured for your specific application.
Make sure not to send the calibration data from a different unit.
Adding a Transducer
(Additional pressure transducer(s) can be added- up to 3 total)
Ranges available: 1, 3, 6, 15, 30, 60, 100, 150, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000 (all ranges are PSIG but can be
converted to other units of measure). To convert the Units of Measure, change the “Full Scale” in the “Calibrate”
column/ “Edit Calibration terms”/Pressure 1, 2, or 3 . Example: 1 PSIG converts to 16 OzsiG (Full Scale=16). Example
#2: 1 PSIG converts to 27.68 InH2O (Full Scale=27.68). Then change the “Units of Measure” in this same window.
1. Physically install the transducer into the bulkhead using the proper thread tape.
2. Remove the main pcboard cover-plate (Remove the (4) nuts on the corners of the pcboard).
3. Plug the transducer into the appropriate connector for the pressure channel to be added (See page 6 for pcb layout).
4. Go to Configure column/ User Friendly names/ & click: the next available pressure channel, type in a custom name
for this channel (if required).
5. Go to Calibrate column/ Import Poly/ & click: Import poly for the pressure channel that will be added (call Heath
Consultants to get this transducer “Poly” file).
6. Go to the “Calibrate” column/ “Calibration Wizard”, select the 2-point pressure channel added to be calibrated
7. Click “Begin” and follow the instructions to complete the calibration.
8. Make sure to click the “Save” button first, and then click the “Finished” button.
9. Go to “Display 4” to confirm the calibration date-stamp has been updated.