Hanna Instruments HI 93102 User Manual
Page 6

7) ON/OFF key:
Turns the meter on and
8) ZERO /
key: In ion specific (colorimet-
ric) mode, it zeros the
sample. In calibration and
diagnostic modes, it func-
tions as ENTER (not used
in turbidity mode).
9) READ /
key: Takes the measuremnt of
concentration/turbidity of
the sample which is shown
on the LCD. In diagnostic
or calibration mode, shifts
the flashing digit to the
10) CAL key:
If pressed during calibra-
tion, the calibration proce-
dure will be aborted and
the last calibration data will
be reinstated. If pressed
together with the ALT key
for less then 3 seconds,
the diagnostic mode will
be entered. If pressed to-
gether with the ALT key
again, the meter will quit
diagnostic mode. If
pressed for more then 3
seconds, an intermittent
“CAL” prompt will appear
on the upper LCD level
and the calibration proce-
dure is entered.
11) GLP/Abs key: In ion specific mode, it will
toggle concentration/ab-
sorbance readings on the
upper LCD. In turbidity
mode, date, time and the
two calibration values of
the current mode will be
In Progress”. The upper
level also indicates the
concentration or turbidity
of the sample, as well as
different diagnostic modes,
such as “-BA-” for low bat-
2) Secondary
The three-digit LCD shows
the current mode of mea-
surement that is “F CL”,
“t CL”, “CY”, “PH”, “Id”,
“Br”, “L FE”, “tr”, and di-
agnostic or calibration
modes, such as “d 11”,
“2 Fn”, “5 c1”.
3) DATE:
Indicates that the upper
level of LCD is showing
the current date, the date
of last calibration or the
date of logged measure-
ment in memory.
4) TIME:
Indicates that the upper
level of LCD is showing
the current time, the time
of last calibration or the
time of logged measure-
ment in memory.
Blinking segment warns
user of low battery volt-
6) LOG:
If intermittent, it indicates
that the user is in the scroll
mode viewing the logged
measurements. If fixed, it
indicates that the meter
is in the log mode and
every reading taken will be
stored in memory.