Hanna Instruments HI 93102 User Manual

Page 18

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Weak batteries. Change all batter-
ies as soon as possible.


Exhausted batteries. Change all
batteries immediately.


Low level of light is received during
the zeroing procedure.
Check for scratches on the cuvet
and ensure that sample is not ex-
cessively turbid. Repeat the read-
ings. If the problem persists,
recalibrate the meter using deion-
ized water in the diagnostic mode
“31” (see Calibration).


Light intensity is high during last
measurement. Make sure the cuvet
is capped and placed properly in
the holder, and that ambient light
does not reach the photodetector.
Repeat the measurement. If the
problem persists, contact your dealer
or the nearest Hanna Office.

Er 1

Hardware error. Repeat the mea-
surement. If the error message ap-
pears again, contact your dealer or
the nearest Hanna Office.

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Out of range. Check the measuring
procedure and verify the
concentration of the sample to
ensure that is not too high.


A “LOBAT” indication
appears on the lower
right hand side of the
display when the bat-
teries are weak and require replacement. At
this point the instrument is still able to per-
form approximately 50 additional measure-

A “-BA-” indication will
appear on the display
when the batteries are
too weak to perform
accurate measurements. This message ap-
pears for a few seconds and then the meter
will completely switch itself off. At this point
the batteries must be replaced.

Batteries should only
be replaced in a safe
area using 1.5V AA al-
kaline type.

In order to replace the
batteries, simply re-
move the two screws
on the rear cover of the
instrument and replace
all four 1.5V AA batter-
ies with new ones,
while paying attention
to their polarity.

The meter will store new settings in its non-
volatile memory and the display will flash
“diAG” and “Stor” alternatively for several sec-