Hanna Instruments HI 4009 User Manual
Page 7

HI 4000-70.
Avoid large changes in temperature (thermal shock)
as it may damage the sensor.
Gas bubbles may form from solution out-gassing due
to temperature change. Gently tap body of sensor to
dislodge them from sensing membrane.
HI 4009
Remove protective cover from sensor tip.
Prepare HI 5315 reference electrode by filling electro-
lyte reservoir with HI 7072 fill solution.
Place sensor and reference electrodes into electrode
holder and connect cable connectors to meter.
HI 4109
Remove the protective plastic wrap that covers the
ceramic junction before assembling sensor for the first
HI 7072 reference fill solution should be added daily
to electrolyte reservoir before electrode use.
During measurement always operate electrode with
the fill hole open.
During normal use, fill solution will slowly drain out
of the tapered cone junction at the lower portion of the
electrode. Excessive loss (>4 cm drop within 24 hours)
is not normal. If this occurs verify cap is tightened and
the interface between the internal cone and outer
body is free of debris.
Add fill solution daily to maintain a good head pres-
sure. For optimum response, this level should be main-
tained and not be allowed to drop more than 2-3 cm
(1-inch) below fill hole. It must cover the ceramic
found on the inner stem.
If an erratic measurement occurs, check to see if for-
eign matter is seen trapped near the internal cone.
Drain and refill with fresh fill solution.