Hanna Instruments HI 4009 User Manual
Page 5
V. Equipment required:
Equipment required:
Equipment required:
Equipment required:
Equipment required:
Hanna HI 5315 Double Junction Reference Electrode
with HI 7072 Fill Solution for HI 4009.
Hanna HI 4222 pH/ISE/mV meter or other suitable
ion or pH/mV meter. (Note: log/linear graph paper is
useful if an ISE (ion) meter is not available).
Hanna HI 180 Magnetic Stirrer or equivalent with TFE
coated stirring bars (HI 731320). Note: isolate bea-
kers from stirrer motor heat by placing insulating
material such as foam or cork between them.
Hanna HI 76404 Electrode Holder or equivalent.
Plastic beakers (HI 740036P) or other suitable mea-
surement vessel.
VI. Solutions Required
Solutions Required
Solutions Required
Solutions Required
Solutions Required for Cyanide Measurements
for Cyanide Measurements
for Cyanide Measurements
for Cyanide Measurements
for Cyanide Measurements
ISA, 500 mL
HI 4001-00
User supplied standards:
Note: These solutions should only be used for making more
dilute standards. The sensing surface will be damaged if
submersed in this high a concentration.
Molar Stock solution:
0.01M stock solution (1 Liter): To a one liter volumetric
flask add approximately 300 mL deionized water and 10-
mL of HI 4001-00 ionic strength (pH) adjuster. On an
analytical balance weigh 0.490g of dry NaCN salt and
transfer to the volumetric flask. Swirl contents until dis-
solved. Add deionized water to bring the flask to its 1 liter
calibrated mark. Mix thoroughly and store in tightly capped
plastic bottle.
ppm stock solution:
1000 ppm stock solution (1 Liter): To a one liter volumetric
flask add approximately 300 mL deionized water and
10 mL of HI 4001-00 ionic strength (pH) adjuster. On an
analytical balance weigh 1.88g of dry NaCN salt and transfer
to the 1-liter volumetric flask. Swirl contents until dis-
solved. Add deionized water to bring the flask to its 1 liter
calibrated marking. Mix thoroughly and store in tightly