Hanna Instruments HI 4009 User Manual
Page 6

capped plastic bottle. Using volumetric pipettes and glass-
ware make dilutions to bracket the concentration of the
samples. Store standards in plastic bottles. Standards with
concentrations < 10
M should be prepared daily. One mL
of Hanna ISA and pH adjuster (HI 4001-00) should be
added to each 100 mL of sample or standard.
VII. General Guidelines
General Guidelines
General Guidelines
General Guidelines
General Guidelines
Use of a hood and protective clothings is strongly
advised. Use ISA to adjust pH above 11.
Calibration standards and sample solutions should
have the same ionic strength. ISA should be added to
both samples and standards in the same ratio. 1 part
ISA to 100 parts standard is the normal dosing.
Concentrated samples (>.005 M) should be diluted
before measurement. Multiply the final result by the
corresponding dilution factor.
For high ionic strength samples, use standard addi-
tion or titration methods.
Calibration standards and sample solutions should
be at same temperature and at elevated pH.
The magnetic stirrer may generate heat. Thermally
insulate beaker containing standard or sample from
magnetic stirrer by placing cork or other insulative
sheet between beaker and stirrer plate.
Calibration standards and sample solutions should
be stirred at the same rate using identical sized TFE
coated stir bars.
Rinse electrode pair with distilled or deionized water
between samples and gently dab dry with soft dis-
posable absorbent toweling. Do not rub electrodes.
Presoaking cyanide sensor in a dilute standard will
optimize response. Use concentrations approximately
M or less with ISA added.
A scratched, pitted, or tarnished pellet surface can
cause drift, a loss of low level response, or poor repeat-
ability. Optimum response can be restored by remov-
ing the damaged surface with the microabrasive strip