Measurement procedure, Tips for an accurate measurement – Hanna Instruments HI 84181 User Manual
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• Fill the beaker up to the 50 mL mark with sample.
Use the 2000 µL automatic pipette to add 2 mL of
HI 84181-0 ISA, place the stir bar into the beaker and
then place the beaker in the appropriate place on the
instrument top.
• Place the electrode holder on the top of the beaker
and secure it by turning clockwise.
• Immerse HI 61014 potassium electrode, HI 5315
reference and the HI 7662-T temperature probe
approximately 2 cm (0.8“) into the sample to be
tested paying attention to not touch the stir bar, and
press Start.
• Wait until the reading is stable, CFM key displayed, if
the “Reading confirm” option is selected, and then
press CFM. If the “Reading confirm” option is
disabled the instrument automatically memorizes the
reading when this is stable and waits to add standard.
Until the standard addition is detected the instrument
will beep if beeper is enabled in Setup.
The instructions listed bellow should be carefully followed during analysis to ensure best accuracy.
• Rinse the electrode pair with distilled or deionized water between samples, and blot dry with
a lab wipe or other soft disponible absorbent toweling.
• Select the adequate stability criteria.
• Analyse the wine sample at room temperature.