Hall Research VSM-I-A-16-16 User Manual
Page 28
Hall Research Technologies, Inc.
3.2.1 Naming Functions
The matrix unit can be named. Its name can be up to 10 characters long.
To assign or retrieve a unit name:
xxxxxxxxxx (current name up to 10 characters)
Rename unit:
No change
If you hit
Otherwise you have 5 seconds to change the name by entering up to 10 ASCII
characters followed by
be changed. If you enter more than 10 characters, then the 1
10 characters will
be saved as the name and the rest discarded.
3.2.2 Routing Functions
Wildcard character
Video routing commands are specified from the point of view of the output.
The wildcard character ‘*’ is acceptable for output (but not input). This
means that any place a ‘*’ is used as a valid command, it means ALL
OUTPUTS. For example, CV*,1 means to connect all outputs to input #1.
Blanking Video or Muting Audio
When a ‘0’ is used as an input channel number, it means that the intent is to
either blank (when used with a video command), mute (when used with an
audio command) or both. For example, CV*,0 means to blank all video
outputs. CA*,0 means to mute all audio outputs.
In addition, these commands can be used to monitor or query the status of system
ties. Omitting the input channel will result in a response of the current routing for
that output. In entering channel numbers leading zeros are acceptable hence you
can specify channel 7 as 07 or just 7. To make a video tie:
Note: Unit accepts leading zeros in the numbers. Spaces are ignored. To check the
source of a particular output, omit the input channel and just enter CVn
If you enter CVn