FeiYu Tech FY-30A User Manual
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Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn [email protected]
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Dear Pilot,
Thank you for choosing FY30A as your inertial stabilization solution.
This manual mainly
introduces FY-30A firmware for Multi-rotor flight system
Please read this manual carefully
before using the system to ensure proper use and operation.
To set up and use of FY30A in multi-rotor flight require a certain degree of
multi-rotor flight and RC experience.
If you have never flown a multi rotor aircraft before, we recommend that you
don’t install this equipment on your own. Please seek assistance from an
experienced RC multi-rotor pilot.
If you are already an experienced multi-rotor pilot, you will find the installation
simple. Please follow the instructions as stated in this manual and you won’t go
If you need any technical support,please feel free to contact us: [email protected].