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DSL-G604T 54Mbps Wireless ADSL2/2+ Modem/Router Manual

This window holds the following fields for the user to configure.

Username &

Type the Username and Password used to verify the identity of your account.
Typically, the Username is an account number assigned by your ISP. See your ISP
for further information.

Connection Type

Choose between PPPoE LLC, PPPoA LLC or PPPoE VC-Mux, depending on the
instructions of your ISP.


The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is a link layer restriction on the maximum
number of bytes of data in a single transmission. The default size is 1400 bytes per
packet. NAT improves network security in effect by hiding the private network behind
one global and visible IP address.


The Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) field indicates the maximum number of bytes
that can be received by the Router. This MRU’s default size is 1492 bytes per
packet. Upon initial negotiation with your ISP, the router will tell the ISP that the
amount entered here is the largest packet that can be accepted by the router.

Default Route

Click the corresponding radio button if you wish to enable or disable the Default
Route. The Default Route is used for outgoing packets, which have an unresolved IP
address. If the router is unable to match the destination address on a received
packet with a destination address in the routing table, the router uses the default


NAT improves network security in effect by hiding the private network behind one
global and visible IP address. NAT address mapping can also be used to link two IP
domains via a LAN-to-LAN connection. Use the pull-down menu to Enable or Disable
NAT on the Router.


The Firewall allows the Router to enforce policies to protect against certain kinds of
attacks. To enable the firewall on the Router, use the pull-down menu and select

IP Control

This field allows the user to control the WAN IP address of the router. There are
three choices for the user:
Dynamic IP – Select this option if you wish to have an IP address automatically
assigned to the router.
Unnumbered IP – Select this option if your ISP has assigned a block of IP
addresses for use.
Static IP – Select this option if you know the IP address assigned to the router. After
selecting this option, the user must enter the known Static IP address in the following
field. A Static IP address is used whenever a known static IP is assigned.

Static IP

This field states the Static IP Address of the Router can only be configured when
Static IP is chosen in the previous field.

Click Apply to implement the PPPoE settings for the DSL-G604T.

Bridge Mode

Selecting this option in the WAN Settings will change your screen to look like the one seen below.
Bridge Mode is for users who have software on their computer or other network device to accept the
connection from your ISP. The Connection Type setting is selected by using the pull-down menu.
The two choices available to the user here are 1483 Bridged IP LLC and 1483 Bridged IP Vc-Mux,
and this correct choice should be provided to you by your ISP.