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ENMET Corporation




the program section is for placing channels in the on or off mode and for
setting alarm points. The gas displayed on the combustible channel can be
changed from this menu also


the calibration section is for calibrating the gas channels of the

Change cell

the change cell section is for disabling a channel and changing the
associated sensor. As part of the procedure, the instrument must be
recalibrated after a cell change

2.3 Intrinsic Safety
The QUADRANT has been tested in Europe to current CENELEC standards, determined
to be intrinsically safe, and certified EEx d ia II C T4, which is equivalent to a Class I,
Groups A, B, C, and D rating in the United States. Use only the ni-cad battery pack
supplied by ENMET, part number 02601-006. The only alkaline batteries authorized to
use in the housing, ENMET part number 02602-012,are: Duracell MN1500LRG, Wonder
LR6, Varta 4006, Panasonic LR6AM3. Substitution of batteries or other components
may compromise the intrinsic safety of the instrument.

The QUADRANT has been tested and certified by the Canadian Standards Association to
CSA Standard C22.2 No. 152-M1984, Combustible Gas Detection Instruments. Under this
Standard, the performance of the combustible gas detection channel, only, is evaluated.

The QUADRANT has been examined and found in compliance with the European
directive relating to electromagnetic compatibility, and bears the mark in this regard.

3.0 Operation

3.1 Turn on/off
The instrument is turned on by pressing and releasing the ON/OFF button. Upon power
up, the instrument displays program version and goes through an internal test which takes
about 30 seconds. Then the display scrolls through the concentrations of each gas. There
is a confidence chirp and general alarm flash that activates about once every 60 seconds.
To turn the instrument off, press and hold the ON/OFF button for about 3 seconds. From
the scrolling display of gas measurements(see operation menu flow chart, page2) press
the + button to view date & time. By repeatedly pressing the + button the battery
information, minimum, maximum, STEL, and TWA measurements can also be viewed.

3.2 Alarms
The instrument display shows the peak value (or minimum, in the case of oxygen
deficiency) during any alarm condition, and latches until the Enter/Backlight button is
pressed. Factory set alarm points are 10% LEL methane, 19.5% and 23.5% oxygen, 35
PPM CO, and 10 PPM H

