Installation, Troubleshooting, Component check – Elenco Telephone Bug User Manual

Page 7: Test circuit

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The Telephone Bug can be installed inside the telephone, the line
leading to the telephone, or anywhere on the telephone line. If it
is installed at the point where the telephone line enters the house,
then any telephone will activate the Telephone Bug.

The active wires of a telephone line are red and green. Check
that the polarity of the line is correct by measuring the voltage
across the red and green line while listening to a dial tone. It
should be about 6 volts with the green being positive. Install the
unit as shown in Figure 4. You may have to cut the green wire and
connect the K-35 green wire to the incoming line and connect the
K-35 gray wire to the other cut green wire. If the connection is
made properly, the telephone will operate normally.

After installation, you’ll need an FM radio to tune in the signal. Tune the radio to a quiet spot, usually around
the low end of the dial. Lift the telephone receiver off the hook. Carefully turn the adjustable capacitor C2 with
a small screwdriver (insulated type preferred), until the dial tone is heard on the FM radio. You must turn very
slowly because it is easy to pass the station. Once the dial tone is heard, you have achieved the alignment.


The most frequently occurring problems result from poor solder connections.

1. Tug slightly on all parts to make sure that they are indeed soldered.

2. All solder connections should be shiny.

3. Solder should flow into a smooth puddle rather than a round ball. Resolder any connection that has formed

into a ball.

4. Have any solder bridges formed? A solder bridge may occur if you accidentally touch an adjacent foil by

using too much solder or by dragging the soldering iron across adjacent foils. Break the bridge with your iron.


1. Be sure that all of the components have been mounted in their correct positions.

2. The most likely problem to occur is getting the FM radio tuned to the Telephone Bug frequency. Follow the

alignment procedure carefully. If you cannot tune, then change the coil by pinching the loops closer or
spreading the loops slightly. This will change the inductance of the coil. Also, try the high side of the radio

3. If still no luck, check the wiring to be sure that there are no mistakes.


To test the unit without using a phone line, follow the steps below.

1. Connect the K-35 as shown in the test circuit.

2. Tune the radio to a spot where no stations are present (only static

is heard).

3. Carefully turn the adjustable capacitor C2 with a small screwdriver

(insulated type preferred), until the static is not heard on the radio.
You must turn very slowly because it is easy to pass the station.






Telephone Lines


Figure 4











