Holding down, Project #60 – Elenco Snaptricity® User Manual

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Holding Down

Project #60



Part B

Educational Corner:

Electric Paths

The motor and lamps overloaded the batteries and
prevented the electromagnet from sucking up the
thin rod.


Push the press switch (S2). The fan spins, the lamps
(L4) light, and the meter measures the voltage.
Nothing happens to the thin rod. Notice that the
voltage is much lower then the normal 4.5V; the
motor and lamps are overloading the batteries (B3),
so the voltage drops.

Part B: Remove the motor and lamps from the
circuit, then push the press switch again. Now the
measured voltage is much higher, and the thin rod
gets sucked up by the electromagnet.


Build the circuit. Set the meter (M5) to the 5V scale,
place the fan on the motor (M1), and drop the thin
rod into the electromagnet (M3).



