About your snaptricity, Parts – Elenco Snaptricity® User Manual
Page 7

About Your Snaptricity
A light bulb, such as in the 4.5V lamps (L4),
contains a special thin high-resistance wire.
When a lot of electricity flows through, this wire
gets so hot it glows bright.
Voltages above the bulb’s
rating can
burn out
the wire.
The electrical symbol for a lamp is shown here,
though other symbols are also used in the
Lamp Symbol
Lamp (L4)
The electromagnet (M3) is a large coil of wire,
which acts like a magnet when electricity flows
through it. Placing an iron bar inside increases
the magnetic effects. The electromagnet can
store electrical energy in a magnetic field.
The properties of the electromagnet will be
explained in the projects. Note that magnets can
increase magnetic media like floppy disks.
The grommet will be used to hold the iron core
rod on the electromagnet.
Electromagnet (M3)
Iron Core Rod
(usually placed in
Symbol with Rod
The magnet is an ordinary magnet
like those in your home.
The compass is
a standard compass.
The red needle will
point toward the
strongest magnetic
field around it, usually
the north pole of the
The iron filings are
tiny fragments of
iron in a sealed
case. They will
be used in
The copper and zinc
electrodes are just metals
that will be used for electro-
chemical projects.
The nut-snap is an iron nut mounted
on a snap for special projects.
The string will be used
in special projects. You
can use your own string
if you need more.
The thin rod is an iron bar
for special projects.
The Paper Clips will be
used for special projects.
You can use your own if
you need more, but they
must be metal.
The spare motor top is provided in
case you break the one on the motor.
Use a screwdriver to pry the broken
one off the motor, then push the
spare one on.
Symbol without Rod