Introduction, Installing the wireshark plug in, Monitoring packets – Echelon IzoT Plug-in for WireShark User Manual

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Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer for IP networks. It is used for

network troubleshooting and analysis. The IzoT Plug-in for Wireshark enables

Wireshark to decode LonTalk/IP packets.
You can use the IzoT Plug-in for Wireshark to monitor LonTalk/IP traffic on a LAN

channel. You can also use the IzoT Plug-in for Wireshark to monitor LonTalk/IP

traffic on an FT channel if you have an IzoT Router that is configured as a repeater

and is attached to both your LAN and your FT channel, and if you have a hub

connecting your computer and your IzoT Router. The IzoT Router is configured as a

repeater by default. When operating as a repeater, the IzoT Router forwards all

packets on the FT channel to the LAN channel.
You can configure an IzoT Router to operate as a configured or learning router using

the IzoT Commissioning Tool. If the IzoT Router is operating as a configured or

learning router, it will not forward all packets on the FT channel to the LAN channel,

and as a result, you will not see all FT traffic in Wireshark. If you are using the IzoT

Commissioning Tool to commission an IzoT Router, change the operating mode to be

a repeater when you are using Wireshark to troubleshoot or analyze the FT channel.

You can change the operating mode back to a configured or learning router when you

are not using Wireshark.

Installing the Wireshark Plug in

The IzoT Plug-in for Wireshark is included as part of your IzoT NodeBuilder

software. To install the IzoT Plug-in for Wireshark, follow these steps:
1. Install the IzoT NodeBuilder software as described in the IzoT NodeBuilder

User’s Guide.

2. Download the Wireshark software for Windows from


3. Install the Wireshark for Windows software.
4. Copy lontalkip.dll from your L




Wireshark Plugin folder into your

Wireshark plugins directory. In a typical installation, the default L




folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\LonWorks\Wireshark Plugin, and the

default Wireshark Plugs folder is C:\Program

Files\Wireshark\Plugins\1.10.6, where 1.10.6 is the version of Wireshark you

have downloaded. The WireShark Plugin folder comes with DLLs compiled for

both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. Use the ones that match your installation.

Monitoring Packets

Once you have set up Wireshark, you can monitor LonTalk/IP traffic. If you have

LonTalk/IP-FT devices and an IzoT Router connecting your FT channel to a LAN,

packets will flow from FT devices, through the IzoT Router, over the Ethernet LAN

and to your computer. The red line shows the flow of the packets.

IzoT Plug-in for WireShark User’s Guide