Caution, Warning, Engine safety – EarthQuake 60005072 User Manual
Page 9

Operator's Manual
Viper Engine, 159cc
Check for parts online at or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5
foR THe sAfeTY of THe useR, And To MAxI-
mize The liFe OF The engine, iT is crucial
To TAke TIMe To cHeck THe condITIon of
THe enGIne. PRobleMs MusT be coRRecT-
ed befoRe oPeRATInG.
avOid injury! engine Oil is hazardOus
To YouR HeAlTH. dIsPose of oIl APPRo-
PRIATelY. use A sAfe dIsPosAl/RecYclInG
enGIne sAfeTY
Most accidents with engines can be prevented if you
follow all instructions in this manual and the information
supplied on the engine itself. Some of the most com-
mon hazards are discussed in the manual, along with
the best way to protect yourself and others.
owner Responsibilities
• The engines are designed to give safe and depend-
able service if operated according to instructions.
Read and understand this owner’s manual before
operating the engine. Failure to do so could result in
personal injury or equipment damage.
• Know how to stop the engine quickly and understand
the operation of all controls. Never permit anyone to
operate the engine without proper instructions.
• Do not allow children to operate the engine. Keep
children and pets away from the area of operation.
Refuel With care
Gasoline is extremely flammable and gasoline vapors can
spark an explosion. Refuel outdoors in a well-ventilated
area, with the engine stopped. Never smoke near gaso-
line and keep other flames and sparks away. Always store
gasoline in an approved container. If any fuel is spilled,
make sure the area is dry before starting the engine.
Hot exhaust
• The muffler gets very hot during operation and
remains hot after stopping the engine. Be careful not
to touch the muffler while it is hot. Let the engine
cool before storing it indoors.
• To prevent fire hazards and to provide adequate
ventilation, keep the engine at least three feet (one
meter) away from building walls and other equipment
during operation. Do not place flammable objects
close to the engine.
carbon Monoxide Hazard
The engine exhaust contains poisonous carbon mon-
oxide. Avoid inhalation of exhaust gas. Never run the
engine in a closed garage or confined area.
other equipment
ALWAYS review the instructions provided with the equip-
ment powered by this engine for any additional safety
precautions that should be observed in conjunction
with engine start-up, shut-down, operation, or protective
apparel, that may be needed to operate the equipment.
do noT ATTeMPT To sTART enGIne In THe
folloWInG WAYs:
• dO nOT use sTarTing Fluid.
• dO nOT spray Flammable liquids Or
VAPoRs InTo AIR fIlTeR, cARbuReToR oR
sPARk PluG cHAMbeR.
• dO nOT remOve spark plug and pull
on sTARTeR RoPe. flAMMAble fuel cAn
sPRAY ouT And IGnITe fRoM A sPARk
fRoM sPARk PluG.
• dO nOT reFuel while smOking, near Open
Flame, Or OTher pOTenTial hazards.
fuel Is HIGHlY flAMMAble And MusT be
HAndled WITH cARe. neVeR fIll THe TAnk
WHen THe enGIne Is HoT oR RunnInG. Al-
WAYs MoVe ouTdooRs To fIll THe TAnk.