Caution, Warning, Fuel – EarthQuake 60005072 User Manual
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Operator's Manual
Viper Engine, 159cc
Check for parts online at or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5
To PReVenT AccIdenTAl sTARTInG:
AVoId InjuRY! enGIne MusT be TuRned
off And cool And sPARk PluG WIRe MusT
be ReMoVed fRoM sPARk PluG befoRe
cHeckInG And AdjusTInG enGIne oR
AVoId InjuRY! TeMPeRATuRe of MuffleR
And neARbY AReAs MAY exceed 150° f (65°
c). AVoId THese AReAs.
AVoId InjuRY! cHeck enGIne ofTen foR
loose nuTs And bolTs. keeP THese ITeMs
do noT Refuel WHIle sMokInG, neAR oPen
Flame, Or OTher pOTenTial hazards.
fuel Is HIGHlY flAMMAble And MusT be
HAndled WITH cARe. neVeR fIll THe TAnk
WHen THe enGIne Is HoT oR RunnInG. Al-
WAYs MoVe ouTdooRs To fIll THe TAnk.
fuel And fuel VAPoRs ARe HIGHlY flAM-
MAble And MusT be HAndled WITH cARe.
neVeR fIll THe TAnk WHen THe enGIne
Is HoT oR RunnInG. AlWAYs MoVe ouT-
dooRs To fIll THe TAnk. do noT use PRes-
surized sTarTing Fluids.
fuel RecoMMendATIons
Use clean, fresh, regular unleaded gasoline with a
minimum of 85 octane.
• These engines are certified to operate on unleaded
gasoline. Unleaded gasoline produces fewer engine
and spark plug deposits and extends exhaust system
• Never use stale or contaminated gasoline or an
oil/gasoline mixture. Avoid getting dirt or water in the
fuel tank.
• Occasionally, you may hear a light ‘‘spark knock’’ or
‘‘pinging’’ (metallic rapping noise) while operating
under heavy loads. This is no cause for concern.
• If spark knock or pinging occurs at a steady engine
speed, under a normal load, change gasoline brands.
If spark knock or pinging persists, see an authorized
servicing dealer.
fuel tank capacity
1P65FA : 1.2L (0.32 US Gal, 0.26 Imp Gal)
fAIlInG To coRRecT A PRobleM befoRe oP-
eRATIon, could cAuse A MAlfuncTIon In
WHIcH You could be seRIouslY InjuRed.
AlWAYs PeRfoRM A PReoPeRATIon InsPec-
TIon befoRe eAcH oPeRATIon, And coR-
RecT AnY PRobleM.