Dynavector DV 20X2H/L cartridge User Manual
Dynavector mc cartridge 20x, H and 20x, Dynavector systems, ltd

F o r m o r e t h a n 3 5 y e a r s D y n a v e c t o r h a v e
established an enviable reputation for producing
a f f o r d a b l e h i g h q u a l i t y m o v i n g c o i l c a r t r i d g e s .
Notably high output models that are designed to
work with MM inputs negating the necessity for
equipment change or the use of setup devices
required for low output cartridges. The outstanding
performance of the Dynavector high output moving
coil cartridges can be attributed to the exclusively
Dynavector designed coil winding machine capable
of utilizing extremely fine coil wire providing a high
output to mass ratio.
DV-20X2 has a solid aluminum alloy body and a
rigid magnet construction similar to XX-2MKII. The
cantilever is a 6mm length of hard aluminum pipe
w i t h a M i c r o - R i d g e s t y l u s . T h e m a g n e t i c f l u x
d a m p i n g a n d s o f t e n e d m a g n e t i s m a l o n g w i t h
powerful neodymium magnets gives the 20X2H a
healthy 2.8 mV output - suitable for most MM
inputs. The 20X2L has an output of 0.3 mV ideal
for most MC phono stages.
Both high and low versions of their 20X2 are
available to ensure the optimum end result. The
h i g h o u t p u t m o d e l i s w e l l s u i t e d t o v a l v e
preamplifiers or electronics that only offer MM inputs
w h i l s t t h e l o w o u t p u t v e r s i o n o f f e r s s u p e r b
performance when combined with dedicated moving
coil inputs.
Stylus Replacement and Warranty
In the case of a worn stylus, Dynavector
undertake to provide a replacement at a special
discount rate. The same special discount applies to
all non warranty claims. Please consult your retailer
for details.
The cartridge is warranted for a period of one
year from date of purchase against electrical and
mechanical defects, provided the instructions have
been adhered to and the warranty card has been
The guarantee does not cover stylus wear nor
cover damage to the stylus assembly arising from
mishandling or abuse. Should a defect occur, the
cartridge and its casing together with the guarantee
card should be carefully packed and returned to the
Stylus Cleaning
Keep your records clean. Dust causes record
wear and sonic distortion. When cleaning the stylus
use the soft brush supplied with the cartridge.
Always use a minimum amount of high quality
stylus cleaning fluid. Brush only from back to front
to avoid damage to the stylus assembly. Excessive
amounts of alcohol applied to the stylus rubber
damping and coil bobbin can have a detrimental
effect on the life of the cartridge and in extreme
cases cause the stylus to become detached from
the cantilever.
Dynavector MC Cartridge 20X
H and 20X
Connect the lead wires from the headshell to
each pin shown below.
16-15 Iwamoto-cho 2-chome Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0032 Japan
Phone +81-(0)3-3861-4341 FAX +81-(0)3-3862-1650
Dynavector Systems, Ltd.
: High/Low output MC cartridge with
Flux damper and Softened magnetism
: 2.8mV / 0.3mV (at 1KHz, 5cm/sec.)
: 20 - 20,000Hz ( 2dB)
: 25 dB (at 1KHz)
: 1.0 dB (at 1KHz)
: 12 x 10-6 cm/dyne
: R=150 ohms / 5 ohms
: Micro Ridge Nude diamond
: 6mm length hard aluminium pipe
: 1.8 - 2.2 grams
: >1000 ohms / 30 ohms
: 9.2grams
Output voltage
Frequency response
Channel Separation
Channel balance
Tracking force
Recommended load
This product can be recycled. Products bearing this
symbol must NOT be thrown away with normal household
waste. At the end of the product's life, take it to a collection
point designated for recycling of electrical and electronic
devices. Find out more about return and collection points
through your local authority.
The European Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) Directive was implemented to dramatically reduce
the amount of waste going to landfills, there by reducing
the environmental impact on the planet and on human
health. Please act responsibly by recycling used products.
If this product is still useable, consider giving it away or
selling it.
Fixing to the headshell
Please use the M.2.5
enclosed screws to mount
the cartridge.
The overhang should be
aligned according to the
instruction manual for the
tonearm. Azimuth and VTA
also should be adjusted