Dynavector DV 17D3 cartridge User Manual

Dynavector mc cartridge karat 17d3, Description, Flux damper and softened magnetism.(patents)

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Karat 17D3 is the first cartridge built using 'dispersion theory'. Its
Micro-Ridge stylus and 1.7mm long diamond cantilever give a
reduction in 'dispersion' along with improved high frequency
extension all the way up to 100KHz. The latest Dynavector's
patented magnet circuit design achieved higher output of 0.3mV
with crystal clear mid-range and treble even during the largest
symphonic crescendos.

Flux Damper and Softened Magnetism.(Patents)

M K 2 s e r i e s a r e i n s t a l l i n g t h e f l u x d a m p e r a n d s o f t e n e d
m a g n e t i s m . B y a n a d d i t i o n o f t h e s e t w o i m p r o v e m e n t s ,
harshness or irritating edginess that is more or less common to
MC cartridges has been eliminated.


KARAT is designed to have the very small dispersion character
as well as the well-extended frequency response up to 100KHz.
The theory of dispersion on the cantilever vibration is unduly
over-looked in the design of the high performance cartridges.
These cartridges have marvelous frequency response in
similarity but sound individually.

The effect of dispersion is shown by (A) is the input square
waveform comprising harmonic frequency component up to
200th higher harmonic component. (B) shows the wave
deformation by the dispersion in 7mm length conventional
c a n t i l e v e r . ( C ) s h o w s t h e e f f e c t o f d i s p e r s i o n i n 1 . 7 m m
cantilever of KARAT17D3. By shorter cantilever the smaller
dispersion effect is recognized by these diagrams.

Fixing to Headshell

(1) The thread size of the mounting holes of the 17D is M2.6, not
the usual M2.5, so use the enclosed hardware to mount the
cartridge. The thread holes is only 5mm depth, so use the
screws of proper length.

(2) When fixing the cartridge to the headshell, adjust the
overhang correctly according to tonearm manufacture's



: moving coil with flux damper

and softened magnetism

output voltage

:0.3mV( at 1 KHz, 5cm/sec)

frequency response

:20 - 100,000Hz

channel balance

:1dB (1 KHz)

channel separation

:25dB ( I KHz)


:15 CU


:32 ohms


:small size Micro-Ridge


:1.7mm long solid diamond

playing weight

: 1.8 - 2.2 grms

recommended load

:>100 ohms


:5.8 grms

(3) Connect the lead wires from the headshell to each pin as
shown below.

Ordinary analogue records whether old or new have a much
wider frequency range of recorded signal than is usually
supposed. When measured on a high performance spectrum
analyzer, frequencies in excess of 50,000Hz are often observed.
Modern digital recording techniques does not match this wide
band-width, cutting off at 20,000Hz and acting as a brick wall to
frequencies higher than this.

2-16-15 Iwamoto-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0032 Japan

TEL +81(0)3-3861-4341 FAX +81(0)3-3862-1650

DV Karat cartridges are designed
to have a very wide frequency
range extending to upwards of
100,000Hz with minimum sound
wave dispersion. This increase in
band-width greatly adds to the
a m b i e n c e a n d e n j o y m e n t o f
recorded sound.

Dynavector MC Cartridge KARAT 17D3

This product can be recycled. Products bearing this symbol must NOT

be thrown away with normal household waste. At the end of the product's

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electronic devices. Find out more about return and collection points through

your local authority.

The European Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Directive was implemented to dramatically reduce the amount of waste

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