Dynavector DV XV-1s Stereo cartridge User Manual
Dynavector drt xv-1s cartridge instruction manual

Dynavector DRT XV-1s Cartridge
Instruction manual
The original XV-1 cartridge was designed to take the
reproduction of analogue recording to new heights. The
XV-1 achieved a standard of performance that was clear ly
in a league of its own. Dynavector have always remained
indifferent to the endless digital formats that proport to be
the next breakthrough in music re pro duc tion, safe in the
knowledge that the vast heritage of music recorded on
vinyl can easily equal, if not clearly out perform these new
formats. Dynavector are se ri ous ly committed to ensure the
vinyl enthusiast is well catered for and the XV-1s is further
proof of this on going commitment; yet another ground
breaking prod uct, uniquely Dynavector and fl agship of the
brilliant Dynavector cartridge range.
At a glance, the XV-1 was always different from all car-
tridg es that have gone before. Its magnetic circuit com-
pris es 8 small ALNICO magnets. The magnetic path is di-
vided into two - In the magnetic gap, a specially de signed
mag net ic fl ux equalizing piece is placed. On the front
yokes, magnetic stabilizing coils are wound. By this special
combination, the magnetic fi eld be comes wide ly ho mo -
ge neous and more lin ear than the con ven tion al magnetic
design that is common in existing MC car tridg es.
Dynavector continue to research and have pushed the
boundary further with the new XV-1s. Although the spec i -
fi ca tions remain the same a signifi cant up up grade in both
magnetic and body parts achieve a startling im prove ment
in imaging, along with a smooth as silk extension over the
entire frequency range.
Principal Improvements
The XV-1s is the lat est evolution of Dynavector de sign
and fea tures the ad vanced multi mag net de sign that stabi-
lizes the mag net ic fl ux density between the front yoke and
the equal iz er com po nent, around the air gap.
The XV-1s also features a rev o lu tion ary square shaped
front ap er ture with a match ing
s q u a r e s h a p e d a r m a t u r e t h i s
en ables the mov ing coil wound
ar ma ture to move in an equal ized
and stable mag net ic fl ux.
Although slightly smaller in di men sion the front yoke aper-
ture is also square shape to match the ar ma ture along with
a square shaped counterbore to the equal iz er com po nent
As result the XV-ls breathes new life into an a logue re-
cord ings old or new. A serious ad vance ment in an a logue
music reproduction.