Bullard UST User Manual

Ust series helmets user manual, Get a custom fit with the u-fit system

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UST Series Helmets

User Manual

Get a Custom Fit with the U-Fit System

Congratulations! Your helmet was designed with the U-Fit System, offering 12 custom comfort


Follow the instructions below to adjust the ride and balance of your helmet.
1. Try on your helmet and check the initial balance, fit and comfort by rotating your head.
2. Remove the Ear Neck Protector to better see how to adjust the back of the helmet.
3. Pop the black colored “U Channel” (Figure 1) away from the black inner liner. There is

one “U Channel” in the front of the helmet and one in the back of the helmet.

4. You can tailor the fit by adjusting the tabs, which control ride height, and posts,

which control forward / backward / level balance.

5. Adjust the ride of your helmet. There are three tab positions on the “U Channel”: A, B,

and C. Each of the tab positions affects the location of the ratchet by approximately one inch.

For the lowest “ride” on your head, position the tabs to “A”. For a higher “ride”, position the tabs to “B” or


6. Adjust the balance of your helmet. There are two post positions, 1 and 2 on the black “U Channel”. Change the post position

to adjust helmet balance.

7. Next, try the helmet back on your head to see if the adjustments to the back of the helmet were helpful.

You may want to make another round of adjustments as described above to maximize the balance and fit.

Typically firefighters don’t need to adjust the front of the helmet. If however, the adjustments to the rear of the helmet don’t meet your needs, you

can work on the front of the helmet by first removing the browpad. As with the back of the helmet, you can adjust the height and post position on the

U Channel piece. Keep in mind that the front of the helmet is a key interface to the SCBA, and most people prefer position C.

8. Lastly, when making your adjustments, re-install the Ear Neck Protector and Browpad, using your fingers to smooth the surfaces to avoid bunching.
To size the Sure-Lock


ratchet headband:

1. Turn the ratchet knob counterclockwise until headband is

at largest size (Figure 3).

2. Place the helmet on your head and turn ratchet knob

clockwise until headband is snug and comfortable.

To raise or lower faceshield:
1. Release tension knobs found on both sides of the helmet.
2. Tighten knobs once faceshield is in desired position.


• Performance properties of NFPA 1971, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire

Fighting, 2013 Edition, cannot be tested by users in the field.

• NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, 2013 Edition, requires members who

engage in or are exposed to the hazards of structural firefighting shall be provided with and shall use, a protective ensemble
that shall meet the applicable requirements of NFPA 1971, 2013 Edition.

• The protective ensemble must be used by members only under direct supervision of their fire department or employer in a

manner consistent with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.132 General Requirements of Subpart I, Personal Protective Equipment.

• For information on NFPA 1851, Standard on Selection, Care and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for

Structrual Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting, 2008 Edition, and basic cleaning and inspection guidelines,

Figure 3

ratchet knob

Figure 2


black post

Figure 1


Read all instructions and warnings before wearing this helmet.
Only the end user may separate this manual from the element. Manual must be removed prior to putting the helmet
into service
After removal from the wearer, the helmet should be inspected for damage and soiling after each use. The helmet should
be adjusted by means of the adjustment points provided to permit a proper fit that does not interfere with the SCBA while
in use. These adjustments should be done prior to actual structural fire fighting activities. Helmets damaged or deteriorated
beyond economical repair should be removed from service.
Failure to follow these instructions could cause death or serious injury.

2 heights of post


Tab positions

are changed

through quarter

turn tabs




U Channel