13 trigger modes, Figure 4-7: post trigger, Trigger modes – ADLINK PCI-9524 User Manual
Page 82
ADLINK Technology Inc.
Copyright 2008
Most software drivers provide easy access for users to handle
scatter-gather DMA functions, and sample programs are also pro-
vided in the ADLINK All-in-One CD.
Trigger Modes
PCI-9524 supports a post-trigger mode, which initiates data acqui-
sition timing right after a trigger event occurs. A trigger event
occurs when the specified condition is detected on the selected
trigger source. There are five trigger sources in PCI-9524, includ-
ing software, SSI AD Trigger, Isolated Digital Input, Pulse Compar-
ator, and Position Comparator. You must select one of them as the
source of the trigger event.
Post-Trigger Acquisition
Use post-trigger acquisition in applications where you want to col-
lect data after a trigger event. The number of scans after the trig-
ger is specified is PSC_counter, as illustrated in Figure 4-7. The
total acquired data length = 4 * PSC_counter. Note that PCI-9524
supports auto-scan mode, so the value of NumChan_Counter is
always set to four.
Figure 4-7: Post trigger