21 _7200_checkhalfready, Description, Syntax – ADLINK PCI-7200 User Manual

Page 79: Argument, Return code, Description @ syntax @ argument @ return code

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C/C++ Libraries


5.21 _7200_CheckHalfReady

@ Description

When you use _7200_DI_DMA_Start to sample digital input data
and double buffer mode is set as enable. Users must use
_7200_CheckHalfReady to check data ready (data half full) or not
in the circular buffer, and using _7200_DblBufferTransfer to get

@ Syntax

Visual C++ (Windows 95)

int W_7200_CheckHalfReady (Boolean * halfReady)

Visual Basic (Windows 95)

W_7200_CheckHalfReady (halfReady As Byte) As Long

C/C++ (DOS)

int _7200_CheckHalfReady (Booelan *halfReady)

@ Argument

halfReady: 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE)

@ Return Code
