ADLINK PCI-7300A User Manual
Page 74

• C/C++ Libraries
@ Return Code
5.24 _7300_DO_Timer
@ Description
This function is used to set the internal timer pacer for digital output. Timer
pacer frequency = 10Mhz / C1.
@ Syntax
Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)
int W_7300_DO_Timer (int card_number, U16 c1)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_7300_DO_Timer (ByVal card_number As Long, ByVal c1 As Integer)
As Long
C/C++ (DOS)
int _7300_DO_Timer (int card_number, U16 c1)
@ Argument
card_number: The card number of the PCI-7300A card.
frequency divider of Counter #1. Valid value
ranges from 2 to 65535.
Note: Since the Integer type in Visual Basic is signed integer. It’s range is
within -32768 and 32767. In Visual Basic, if you want to set c1 as
value larger than 32767, please set it as the intended value minus
65536. For example, if you want to set c1 as 40000, please set c1 as
40000-65536 = -25536.
@ Return Code
5.25 _7300_Int_Timer
@ Description
This function is used to set Counter #2.
@ Syntax
Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)
int W_7300_Int_Timer (int card_number, U16 c2)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)