ADLINK PCI-7300A User Manual
Page 61

C/C++ Libraries
• 53
5.7 _7300_DO_Mode
@ Description
Set the clock mode and start mode for the PCI-7300A DO operation.
@ Syntax
Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)
int W_7300_DO_Mode (int card_number, int clk_mode, int
start_mode, int fifo_threshold)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_7300_DO_Mode (ByVal card_number As Long, ByVal clk_mode As Long,
ByVal start_mode As Long, ByVal fifo_threshold As
Long) As Long
C/C++ (DOS)
int _7300_DO_Mode (int card_number, int clk_mode, int start_mode,
int fifo_threshold)
@ Argument
card_number: The card number of the PCI-7300A card.
DO_CLK_TIMER: use timer1 output as output clock
DO_CLK_20M: use 20MHz clock as output clock
DO_CLK_10M: use 10MHz clock as output clock
DO_CLK_ACK: REQ/ACK handshaking
DO_CLK_TIMER_ACK: burst handshaking mode by
using timer1 output as output clock
DO_CLK_10M_ACK: burst handshaking mode by using
10MHz clock as output clock
DO_CLK_20M_ACK: burst handshaking mode by using
20MHz clock as output clock
DO_WAIT_TRIG: delay output data until DOTRIG is
DO_NO_WAIT: start output data immediately
DO_WAIT_FIFO: delay output data until FIFO is not
almost empty
DO_WAIT_BOTH: delay output data until DOTRIG is
active and FIFO is not almost empty.
fifo_threshold:programmable almost empty threshold of both PORTB
FIFO and PORTA FIFO (if PORTA is set as output).
It is avaliavle only when start_mode is
@ Return Code