ADLINK PCI-7300A User Manual

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C/C++ Libraries

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5.3 _7300_Initial

@ Description

A PCI-7300A card is initialized according to the card number. Because the
cPCI/PCI-7300A is PCI bus architecture and meets the plug and play design,
the IRQ and base address (pass -through address) are assigned by system
BIOS directly. Every cPCI/PCI-7300A card has to be initialized by this function
before calling other functions.

Note: Because configuration of cPCI/PCI-7300A is handled by the system,

there is no jumpers or DMA selection on the PCI boards that need to
be set up by the users.

@ Syntax

Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)

int W_7300_Initial (int card_number, int *pcic_base_addr, int

*lb_base_addr, int *irq_no, int *pci_master)

Visual C/C++ (Windows 95)

W_7300_Initial (ByVal card_number As Long, pcic_base_addr As

Long, lb_base_addr As Long, irq_no As Long,
pci_master As Long) As Long

C/C++ (DOS)

int _7300_Initial (int card_number, int *pcic_base_addr, int

*lb_base_addr, int *irq_no, int *pci_master)

@ Argument

card_number: the card number to be initialized, only four cards

can be initialized, the c ard number must be CARD_1,
CARD_2, CARD_3 or CARD_4.

pcic_base_addr:the I/O port base address of the PCI controller

on card, it is assigned by system BIOS.

lb_base_addr: the I/O port base address of the card, it is

assigned by system BIOS.


system will give an available interrupt number to
this card automatically.


TRUE: BIOS enabled PCI bus mastering

FALSE: BIOS did not enable PCI bus mastering

@ Return Code




