2 adjusting printhead pressure and support – Datamax Allegro 2 User Manual
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4.2.2 Adjusting Printhead Pressure and Support
The Printer's Printhead support plate requires adjustment if media
widths of 3.5" (89mm) or less are used. Figure 4-2 shows the
Printhead Mount Assembly, Ribbon Shield, Head Support Plate, and
Adjustment Screw in an exploded view.
The Head Support Plate supports the outer end of the Printhead
when narrow media is used. Without this support, the Printhead
would bear down on the drive roller, causing diminished print
quality and premature wear. The Head Support Plate needs to be
engaged only when the media width is less than 3.5" (89mm).
To make this adjustment, loosen the two mount screws that fasten
the Head to the Support Plate, leaving the screw on the left slightly
snug. Load the media and engage the Printhead by rotating the
Head-Lift Lever to the ‘down’ position. Turn the adjustment screw
clockwise until the support plate moves down and contacts the
Bearing Plate underneath. Finally, tighten the two mount screws to
secure the Support Plate.
Note: The mount screws that secure the Head Support Plate also
secure the Ribbon Shield. When loosening these screws, be
aware that both the Plate and the Shield may move.
Figure 4-2 Printhead Mount Assembly