Gq-215, Gq-131, Gq-231 – Ashly Graphic Equalizers GQ-231 User Manual

Page 2: Architect's specification, Specifications, Since 1972, Ashly audio inc, 60oa

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Max. Level:















Min. Load Impedance:

Max. Level:










Frequency Response:

IM Distortion (SMPTE):

THD (20Hz-20kHz):

Equivalent Input Noise


±.25dB 20Hz-20kHz

<.01%@ +20dBV


±.25dB 20Hz-20kHz

<■01% @ +20dBV
<.01% @ +20dBV


±.25dB 20Hz-20kHz









Subsonic Filter:

Constant Q/Wein-Bridge

2 X 15

2/3 Octave



12dB/Octave @ 40Hz

Constant Q/Weln-Bridge


1/3 Octave






12dB/Octave, 6-200Hz

Constant Q/Wein-BrIdge

2 X 3 1

1/3 Octave




+6/15d В

12dB/Octave, 8-200Hz

Power Requirements:

Shipping Weight:


I/O Connectors:



120VAC, 50-60HZ, 12W

10 lbs


XLR and 1/4"

120VAC, 50-60HZ, 12W

10 lbs


XLR and 1/4"

120VAC, 50-60HZ, 12W

15 lbs


XLR and 1/4"

Architect's Specification


The graphic cqualiiwr shall be stereo [2-channcls)- Each chanml
shall consist oi 15 bonds centered on standartl ISO Frequencies at
intervals of 2/3 octave aixl covering a ircqucncy ratìge of 251 Iz to

16кНг. Individual bands shall be activated by linear slide faders with

a 45min (ravel, melai actuator shafts and a lacltlc center detent. The
range of equalization per band shall be ±l5dB. The equalizer shall
lijKt a gain of unity with aD sliders centered, and shall have a maxi-
mum in/out level of ■t-20dBV. Frequency response sitali be 2.25UD

lOHz to20kllx. Klim ami noise shall be at least -97dDV and SMITE

Inlermodulatlon dtsicrtion or THD shall be less than .01% at ГиД out­
put. Input impedance shall be 20kti balanced, lOkll unbalanced.
Oiiiput Impcdmire shall be 200Ì1. Inputs and otilpucs shall be active
(transformerless) balanced type on both XLR and I /4' phone Jacks.
Individual fillers shall be Weln-brtdge type and connected In a sum­
ming circuit optimized for mlnltmim filter inlcraetion and constant
bandwidth at any slkler setting. Boost and cut characterlsUcs shall be
fully symmelrlral. with the filter being electrically removed from the

circuit in the center [fiat] pesUion. Indhidual fillers shall be accurate

to within 2% of iiidicaled center frequency and shall be non-

adjustabk to Insure Imif:; term accuracy. The equalizer shall also

Include a 12rlR per octave high pass filter at 40Hz. equipped with a

bypass switch. An LED indicator shall show overload conditions.

Input gain shall be adjustable cA'cr a range of tlSdfì. and an overall
EQ bypass switch shall be iiwludcd.Thc equalizer shall weigh 9.5 lbs
net and mmmt In a standard 19' rack using 2 spaces (3.5' high). The
power requirement shall be 1)0-115VAC. 50-60Hz. 12W. Tbe unit
shall bean ASKLYAUDIO GQ-215.


Tile graphic equalizer shall be monoaural 11 rhnnnrl). It shall consist
of 31 bands centered on standard ISO irequenefes at Intervals of 1/3
octave and covering a frequency range of 201 tz to 20kKz. Individual
bands shall be activated by liiKar slide faders with a 45nim travel,
metal actuator shafts and a laellle center clelent. Tbr range of equal­
ization per band shall be cither ¿€dB or il5dD selected \ia a 2-posl-
lion switch. The equalizer shall have a gain of unity with all sliders
centered, aixl shall have a maximum In/oul le\*el of 426dBV.
Frequency response shall be :.25dB lOHz lo20kHz. Hum and nrHsc
shall be at least -97dBV and SMPTE Intermodulaikm distortion or
Т1Ш shall be less tlian ,01% at full oulpul. Input Impedance shall be
44kD balanced. 22klJ unbalanced. Output Impedance shall be 20ffi}.
Inputs and outputs sitali be active [iransformerlcsvsj halanred type on
both XLR and I/4" phciic jacks. Individual fillers shall be \Veln-bridge
type and coniieded in a summing circuit optimized for minimum filler
interaction and constant bandwidth a( ai^' slkler setting. Boost ami
cut characteristics shall be fully symmetricai. with the filter bcti^
electrically rcnto\*cd frotn the circuit in the ccnlCT (flat) position.
Indiildual filters slull be accurate to within 2% of indicated center
frequency and shall be non-adjuslable to Insure long term accuracy,

The equalizer shall also Include an iSdB per nclair high pass filter

tunable from 8Hz to 200Hz. equipped with a bypass switch. Л 3 color
bar-graph meter shall be employed to show overall output Icwl and
an LED Indicator slial) show overload conditions. Input gain shall be
adjustalile ewer a range Ы* tI5dB. and an overall EQ In-pass switch


indudcd.The equalizer shall weigh 9.5 lbs net and mount In a

standard 19' rack using 2 spaces |3.5* high). The power requirement
shall be 110-115VAC. 50-60Hz. I2W. The unit shall be an ASHLY

The graphic equalizer sliall be stereo |2 channels). Each channel

sliall consist of 31 hands centered nn standard ISO frequencies at
intervals of I /3 octave and covering a frequetKy^ range of 20Hz to
20kHz. Irtdhldual bands shall be activated by linear slide faders wltli

a 45mm travel, metal actuator shafts and a tactile center detent. Ilie

range of equalization per band shall be either ±6dB or i 15dB selected

via a 2-posilion switch. The equalizer .shall Itave a gain of unity with
all sliders centered, and shall have a maximum in/oul level of
■»26dBV. Frequency response shall be ±.25dB lOHz lo20kKz. Hum
and ndsc sliall be at Irast -97dHV and SMPTE Itilermodulallcm dis­
tortion or THD shall be less tlian .01% at full output. Input
tinpedanre shall bo 44kil balanced. 22kfl unbalanced. Output
Impedance shall be 20011. Inputs and outputs aluill be active [Inuis-
formcrlcss) balanced hpr on both XIJI and 1/4* phorw [ocks.
liKlividual filters shall be Weln-brfdge type and connected in a sum­
ming circuit optimized for minimum filter Interaction and constant
bandwidth at any slkler setting. Boost and cut characteristics sliall be
fully symmetrical, with Ihe filter being electrically rcmo\’cd from the
circuit in the center (Flail position. IndMdual flllrrs shall be accurate

to within 2% of indicated center frequency and sliall be iiai-

odjustabk to insure long term accuracy. T|w equalizer shall also
Include an l8dB per octave high pass filter lunabk from 8Hz to
2O0liz. equipped with a bypass switch. A 3 color bar-graph meter
shall be employed to show overall output k’v'cl and an LED indlcaior
shall show* overload coiKlitions. Input gain shall be adjustable mrr a
range of :l5dB. and an overall EQ liypass switch shall be included.
The equalizer shall weigh )3lbs net and mount in a standard 19' rack
using 3 spaces (5.25" hlgh|. The power requirement shall be 110-

115VAC, 50-601 Iz, 2CW. Hie unit shall be an ASHLY AUDIO OQ-23!,

Ashly Audio Inc.

Since 1972

© 1990 Ashly Audio

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