Carrier SYSTEM PILOT 33PILOT-01 User Manual

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SETPOINTS table option is selected from the Program screen,

and if there is more than one entry in the corresponding table

list, then the System Pilot displays a Table List screen. If there

is only a single table, the System Pilot displays the contents of

the table.

Only two types of configuration tables will be available in

Security Level 2, Holiday Configuration tables and Occupancy

tables (if attached to a device with an occupancy schedule).
NOTE: The CONFIG function is not available if the System

Pilot is set to Security Levels 3 or 4. The SETPOINTS func-

tion is not available if the system is set to Security level 3.

The top line of the Table List screen shows the table type

that was selected. The bottom line shows text and error mes-

sages, as applicable. The center portion of the screen shows the

table list. This consists of the table names from the specified

list, arranged in alphabetical order.

Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE

knob to scroll through the list. Press the SELECT button to

display the highlighted line.

If a table type with multiple table entries was selected, the

System Pilot will display a Multiple Table List screen with all

of the table names associated with that table type.

If it is a table type with a single table entry, the System Pilot

will display a Standard Table screen.
Multiple Table List Screen — If multiple tables of a selected

type are available, or if SCHEDULE is selected from the Pro-

gram screen and there are multiple schedules, the System Pilot

will display a Multiple Table List screen with all of the table

names associated with that table type.

The top line shows the name of the table that was selected.

The bottom line shows text and error messages, as applicable.

The center portion of the screen lists the associated tables in

alphabetical order. If the list has more than 7 tables, then the

first 7 tables will be displayed.

Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE

knob to scroll through the list. If there are more than 7 tables,

pressing PAGE UP/DOWN will display the previous or next 7

names from the list. Press the SELECT button to read the

highlighted table from the attached device and display an

appropriate screen. A Time Schedule screen is displayed if the

table is a time schedule, or a Standard Table screen is displayed

for any other table. Pressing the EXIT button causes the

System Pilot to return to the Table List screen.
Standard Table Screen — If a table type with a single table en-

try is selected from a Table List screen, or a table (other than a

schedule) is selected from a Multiple Table List screen, the

System Pilot displays a Standard Table screen.

The top line shows the 8-character table name. The center

portion of the screen shows the table data.

Configuration and set point data is read from the attached

device once, when the table is first selected and displayed.

There will be one point/decision per line. If there are more than

seven decisions/points, the first seven will be displayed. The

bottom line displays text and error messages, as applicable.

Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE

knob to scroll through the data. If there are more than 7 deci-

sions/points, pressing PAGE UP/DOWN will display the

previous or next 7 decisions/points. As the user scrolls through

the table, the System Pilot will highlight the current decision/

point and if there is an associated point name, the 24-character

descriptor will be displayed on the bottom line. If there is no

associated point name, the System Pilot will display the

24-character descriptor in the center portion of the screen.

If the SELECT button is pressed and the current point is ed-

itable, the System Pilot allows the user to modify the point.

If the EXIT button is pressed, the System Pilot exits to the

next higher screen.
SCHEDULE — Selecting the SCHEDULE option from the

Program screen and then selecting a Time Schedule table

displays the Time Schedule screen as shown in Fig. 11. This

example shows all 8 of the time schedule periods, even though

only the first 6 (plus the header line) will actually be shown on

the System Pilot when this screen is entered.
NOTE: This function is not available if the System Pilot is set

to Security Levels 3 or 4.

The top line shows the 8-character schedule name. The

bottom line displays text and error messages, if applicable. The

center portion of the screen shows the schedule data which are

the occupied and unoccupied times for each period and the

days to which the period applies. The time is displayed with a

24-hour clock with colon (00:00 to 24:00). The day flags are

displayed as 8 bits (0 or 1), for Monday through Sunday plus

holiday. The times and day flags are modifiable. The period

numbers and the header line are fixed. Each of the day flags is

treated as a separate field, therefore, there are 12 modifiable

fields per line.

Use the SCROLL UP/DOWN buttons or the NAVIGATE

knob to scroll through the table one line at a time. If the

SELECT button is pressed, the System Pilot allows the user to

modify the data on the current line (starting with Occupied

hour). Use the NAVIGATE knob to move within the line. As

each field is highlighted, the truncated 24-character descriptor

is displayed on the message line. Use the INC/DEC buttons or

the MODIFY rotary knob to adjust the highlighted value. If the

EXIT button is pressed, the System Pilot will return to the

Program screen or the Multiple Table List screen.
DETACH — Select this option from the Program screen to

disconnect from the device to which the System Pilot is

currently attached. The System Pilot will attach to itself and

display the System Pilot default screen.

Modifying Set Points —

The VVT® zone controller

default screen displays two set points. The Remote Attach

Default screen will display up to two set points. The user can

modify the displayed set points by turning the MODIFY rotary

knob or pressing the INC/DEC buttons. The displayed set

points will blink.
NOTE: This function is not available if the System Pilot is set

to security level 4.

The System Pilot will modify a set point subject to the

limits read from the controller. If there are two set points, the

System Pilot will modify them simultaneously and will

preserve the difference between them subject to the limits read

from the controller.

The System Pilot has configurable high and low limits for

set points, as defined in the System Pilot Configuration Table

and the System Pilot remote attach configuration table. On a

Remote Attach Default screen, the limits will be applicable to


Fig. 11 — Time Schedule Screen